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Get a quick start on baked goods with Quick Mix.

You and yours won't notice the soy, wheat germ and milk powder in the mix, but it will boost the health factor of everything you bake with it.

The ratio for the leavening agents is 1.25 t baking powder and 1/4 t baking soda per cup of mix.

Into a 4-cup container, place:

  1. 1/4 c soyflour;
  2. 1/4 c wheat germ;
  3. 1/4 c milk powder;
  4. scant 2 T baking powder;
  5. 1 t baking soda;
  6. 1 t salt;
  7. Top off with white or whole-wheat flour.

Sift the ingredients. Add the wheat germ at the bottom of the sifter to the rest of the ingredients. Pour into storage container, stir/shake well, and store in refrigerator.

For a gallon of mix, place the following in a gallon container:

  1. 1 c soyflour;
  2. 1 c wheat germ;
  3. 1 c milk powder;
  4. 1/2 c baking powder;
  5. rounded T baking soda;
  6. rounded T salt;
  7. Top off with white or whole wheat flour.

Sift the ingredients. Add the wheat germ at the bottom of the sifter to the rest of the ingredients. Pour into storage container, stir/shake well, and store in refrigerator.

For almost seven quarts of nutritionally souped up Quick Mix, place the following a large bin or strong plastic bag:

  1. 5 lbs (20 cups) white or whole wheat flour;
  2. One 20-oz jar toasted wheat germ, or one lb raw wheat germ;
  3. 2 c soy flour;
  4. 2 c noninstant or 3 c instant milk powder;
  5. Scant 1 cup baking powder;
  6. 2 T baking soda;
  7. 2 T salt.
Shake, mix, agitate, heave, twirl. (Plastic bags of unknown strength are best rolled back and forth on a table.) Store in refrigerator.
Maura Enright, Proprietor
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