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Three-Bean Salad - and hold the green beans

(2 c dried garbanzo or chili beans = 6 c cooked and rinsed.)

The dressing. The oil, vinegar and sugar can be replaced with commercial oil and vinegar or Italian dressing.
Rosemary 1 T fresh or 1 t dried, finely chopped or mortared. If dried, let the dressing sit for an hour or more to soften. 3 T fresh or 1 T dried           
Apple cider vinegar. 1/3 c 1 c           
Olive Oil 1/4 c 3/4c           
Sugar 1/4 c (4 T) 3/4 c           
Salt and pepper If making dressing from scratch, try 1/2 T salt and 1/4 t pepper. If using commercial dressing with salt in it, start low and work your way up. 1.5 T salt, 1 t pepper           
The ingredients. Adjust the bean ratio to suit your taste and your supply on hand. Pour dressing on top, toss to coat, and chill for 1 - 24 hours.
Cannellini beans, cooked and rinsed: 1 15-oz can (1.5 cups cooked beans) 3 cans           
Chili or kidney beans, cooked and rinsed: 1 15-oz can (1.5 cups cooked beans) 2 cups dry, cooked (5-6 cups)           
Garbanzo beans, cooked and rinsed: 1 15-oz can (1.5 cups cooked beans) Two cups dry, cooked (5-6 cups)           
Chopped, sauteed onion 1 small 1 large           
Celery Stalks 2, chopped fine 6, chopped fine           
Black olives, green olives, feta cheese, red peppers, cherry tomatoes If desired If desired   
Maura Enright, Proprietor
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